The waterfall at Wawa is flowing heavily with the start of the rainy season.
Sister Wilwand says they normally take down these little huts at the beginning of the rainy season because the heavy flow destroys them - missed one!
Some of the Sisters from her zone
Haha ok, maybe a little cheesy, but I am loving it here right now!
We have had such a good week this week! I absolutely love my companion, and I'm excited for the things that we are going to be able to do in this area for the next transfer!
Sister Apolinario and I have made a goal to find 35 new investigators in this transfer, and so far, we are doing good! We've gotten 12 so far in the last week and a half. I'm way excited! We've been doing a lot of tracting, and we've definitely seen some good things from it!
Sister Apolinario and Sister Wilwand, in the rain (with a pink??? umbrella! Must belong to Sister Apolinario!)
P-Day hike to Wawa
We're also having a lot of success with our other investigators and less-actives. I really love all of the people over here! They are absolutely amazing! We've been extending quite a few baptismal dates lately, and it's going well! I'm hoping to have my first baptism on the 26th! We have this girl who is living with a family in our ward, and she is great! We've had a couple setbacks with her baptism, and it might not go through, but we're praying so hard that it will. I'm seriously so excited for it!
Not much else has happened specifically in our area. Everything's just going well right now! I love this area and my companion, and I am loving being a missionary right now! It is definitely worth it to come out here and be a missionary!
Missionaries having fun on P-Day!
Let's see. Here's something that I've been working on lately, or something that I've been studying this week:
So lately, I've been feeling that maybe my faith hasn't been as strong as it should be. So I've been trying to do some things to strengthen my faith. Well, it has definitely been strengthened this week. We've had some cool experiences where we just had to rely on the Lord to be able to accomplish what we're doing here. For example, during one of our lessons, we had met this family for the first time. They were both members, but this was the first time we had ever found them home. So while we were starting our lesson, it was my turn to lead. I was so scared! I'd never met this family before, and I really had no idea what we were going to share with them. During our opening song and prayer, I decided that I was just going to start talking and hope that the Spirit would help me to know what to say. At the beginning of the lesson, I started asking questions, and eventually started talking to them about temples. Never having met this couple before, I wasn't sure if that was a good topic to start with, but that's what ended up happening. After the lesson, I talked to my companion, and she said that she had been thinking the exact same thing! How cool is that? Obviously this was a lesson that this couple needed, and it was amazing that my companion and I were both united enough to be able to share that with them.
I definitely still have a long ways to go with my faith, but I think it grows stronger everyday. As we read the scriptures, pray and follow the commandments of God, that's where we really grow strong. Just do it! It's amazing the blessing that can come from following Jesus Christ.
"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." -- 3 Nephi 5:13
That scripture is for all of us, not just the missionaries.
I love you all! Have a fantastic week!
Sister Wilwand
This is a tindahan. They have them all over the Philippines. You can just walk up and buy snacks and drinks. This one is bamboo, but Sister Wilwand said most tindahans are just people's houses.
She found ketchup flavored chips! (something her dad always buys when we go to Canada!)