Happy New Year! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, and I hope you will bring in the New Year in the best way possible!
So Christmas was last week. How did we celebrate? We had pizza and doughnuts with our district =] It was a very low-key Christmas, but it was way fun!
The rest of this week has been pretty slow. We have lots of people who are out of town up in the Province. That's hard because then we can't teach them... It's also tough to find new investigators, but we've been trying!! We found a few people this week, and we're hoping that they will turn out to be people who are ready for the gospel.
We had an investigator come to church on Sunday! He's 10, and he's way cool. His sister is a member, so she brought him with her. He's super awesome, and we really hope that he will keep being interested in the church. We also have a few less-actives who are returning to church. Yay!! Seriously, it's the coolest thing to see someone's testimony becoming stronger and stronger after years of inactivity.
So our New Year's Eve was yesterday. We made lots of yummy food, and I learned how to make lumpias! They are kind of like spring rolls. They are very good. We also had to be home pretty early yesterday because of the fireworks. The fireworks here are crazy. Let's just say that I probably heard more fireworks last night than I every have in my entire life. No joke. The Filipino people love their fireworks.
Yesterday was also transfer announcement day! Guess what, I'm not transferring! No surprise there actually. When you are training, you usually stay in your area, and with you trainer for 2 transfers. Some Sisters have a different trainer, but that's usually only if your trainer becomes a Sister Training Leader. But transfer day is tomorrow, and sadly, one of our kabahays is leaving. Sister Pristopher (the Sister from Pakistan) is transferring to a different zone, and a new Sister is coming here. I'm sure it'll be great!
Today was probably the best P-day we've had so far! We were going to go hiking at 3 in the morning, but that fell through. So instead, we went up to Wawa. It's this dam up in the San Rafael area, and it is so cool! We had to take 2 jeepneys up there, so it's a bit far away, but it was so worth it! There are a bunch of huge rocks that you can climb on in the river down there, so we did a bit of rock climbing. It was the coolest thing ever. I love being out in nature, so this was right up my alley. I loved it! Sadly, my camera battery died about halfway through, but I think I still got few pictures.
I love missionary work! It's awesome. If you open your mouth, Heavenly Father will fill it. Have faith in Him, and all things will work out. For those of you in Walla Walla, especially those in the new split wards, you have lots of missionary work to do. It's way fun! It's hard, and it's scary, but it's so worth it. Go out with the missionaries. Invite people to church and other activities. Share your testimony. Just do it. Even if you're just performing a little bit of service for someone, just do it! It'll be great.
The gospel brings light to even the darkest of places. I haven't seen it work completely through a person yet, but I've seen the end result. I've also felt it touch my life as well. I would be lost without the gospel. I would literally be wandering around the streets wondering what I'm supposed to do with my life. I would like to think that I would have found the gospel if I hadn't been born into the church, but I can't know that for sure. I'm so grateful for the gospel in my life, and I think I owe my life to my Savior, Jesus Christ, and my Heavenly Father. Their gospel has done more for me than anything. I'm so glad that I get to share that with other people. I only hope that I will be guided to find the people that are ready for it.
I love being a missionary, and I love you all!
Sister Wilwand
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