Monday, June 16, 2014



It seems like I emailed just yesterday! And yet, here we are again =] Time really does go by so fast out here.

So, it's transfer time again!! It looks like I'm staying here in this area!!! Unfortunately, Sister Kalama is getting transferred, but I'm excited for my new companion, Sister Apolinario. I don't really know her at all, so I'm hoping it will be a good next transfer! Sister Rasmussen is staying here, and her new companion is Sister Miner. As for Sister Munoz, we sent her to the mission home today, and she heads for home tomorrow! Crazy.

Well, this week was a fantastic week!! It all really started out on Wednesday. We had exchanges with our STLs on Wednesday, and to be honest, I was a little nervous at first. I was leading my area, and I was going out with Sister Cestona, a Sister that I didn't know super well. I had no need to be worried though, we ended up having a fantastic day! It rained, and we got wet, and we walked a lot because we got punted a ton. But! We ended up getting 10 new investigators in 2 of our lessons!!! It was awesome! I absolutely loved it. It was definitely one of my most memorable days here so far.

Not only is it the rainy season, it is HOT! The Elders put up some shade and brought out the fans so they could cool off a bit.

After that, I actually ended up getting kind of sick on Friday night. It wasn't that bad though, just a little fever and a cold. My goal is to not have any sick days in my mission, so we went out on Saturday and just had some really good lessons!!! We kind of got punted again, but we still have 4 lessons that day. They were with some really amazing less-active families whom we love so much! Especially one of the families with little kids. They are always so excited for us to come over and teach them, I love it!

On Sunday, we had a really good day! We had so many less-actives and investigators come to church, we could barely stand it

! And that night, we were finally able to get a progressing investigator! She is the niece of one of the members in our ward, and she is living with them while she goes to school here. She accepted a baptismal date, and we are super excited! She will hopefully be getting baptized on July 12th. Yay!!!

We have also had a pretty good day today too! We had a little breakfast for Sister Munoz before she headed off to the mission home. We made pancakes! They were really good! We had ice cream and pancakes and pineapple and chocolate sauce that we made. It was so yummy! And we made no-bake cookies last night and ate those too. Yum!!
Sister Munoz' goodbye pancake :) 

So pretty much, being a missionary is the best! I absolutely love it!! You have some of the coolest experiences out here, and it is amazing! I love this work, and I know that it is true. I am so excited for the amazing things that are going to happen during the rest of my mission. I love you all!


Sister Wilwand

Sister Wilwand and her trainer Sister Collins (photo from the Mission Tour a couple of weeks ago)

Sister Lavador and Sister Wilwand - former kabahays

And yes, she sent me, the world's biggest arachnophobe, a picture of a Filipino spider. I am never, ever, ever visiting!

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