Sunday, January 5, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Dear Family and Friends,

This will probably be a short email. Sorry!! But I hope you all have an absolutely amazing Christmas this year!!!

So kind of a lot happened this week, but not really.

We had our Christmas Conference, it was way fun! My companion and I and the people in our house did a dance. It was actually really fun. We're not very good, but it's ok. Everyone loved it. There was a little kids who beatboxed and danced to Michael Jackson for us. Holy moly. He's amazing. I'll try to send some pictures next week maybe.

We had 2 investigators at church this week!!! Granted, we did have to go get them, and they only stayed for sacrament meeting, but we had 2 investigators at church this week!! It was really great to see them there, and I really hope that they keep coming the next couple weeks.

So this week, because it's Christmas, lots of people are going up to the Province. So we got bunted a lot this week, but it's ok. We figured that would probably happen. At least we have a progressing less-active family! Yay! Their daughter is hopefully getting baptized sometime soon, so we're really excited for that.

What else... Apparently fireworks here are super dangerous. Like a small one could blow off your arm... So that's great. We have a curfew of 7 today, and we had the same yesterday because of that. People here like to celebrate, that is for sure.

Some very interesting pancakes, made on a hot plate. Ingredients are a little different in the Philippines!

Yesterday was Christmas Eve, obviously, and boy did we have a feast! I made some no bake cookies (thanks to my Mom!), and they tasted alright. We don't have powdered sugar here, so they were a little weird... We also had rice with lots of ulam. Ulam is just word for whatever the main dish is. We had Filipino hot dogs, and ham that someone gave us, and chicken. It was way good. And I'm thinking I've probably been eating rice the wrong way for most of my life. If you actually eat it with all the meat, then it's not that bad.

McKelle wears her Christmas jammies to humor her mother - sadly, I couldn't find anything cooler to send that was Christmas-y. 

Her package made it the Philippines intact! And still wrapped (the Scotland post office opened all of Elder Wilwand's gifts and went through everything!)

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Christmas! (Or tomorrow I guess...) Just don't ever forget the true meaning of this Christmas season. It is a time for us to remember our Savior and all that He did for us. The most important part of Christmas should be His Atonement for us. Normally, we think that it's His birth, but if there was no Atonement, then His birth wouldn't have mattered. His whole life wouldn't have mattered. But there was an Atonement, and this is why we celebrate the birth of the one person that was able to, and did save us from both physical and spiritual death. Don't ever forget why we should really celebrate.

I love you all! I'm sorry this is so short.

Sister Wilwand

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